EYFS framework

All of the nursery follow the EYFS(2021) framework which for more information you can have a look at the website below.

If parents would like to read our polices these are available. Please note we have complaint forms near reception , if you feel you cannot speak to the manager over a situation. As always parents are aware you can complain also to OFSTED .


There are displays around the nursery to encourage parents to read what this is all about and we also talk about this when there is parents evenings at the setting.

We have learning journeys for the children which parents have access to whenever they wish to look at these.We record all children's observations in here and any significant work or achievements the child may have done.

We send out interest sheets every half term for parents to fill in and share any information with us around your child, any significant events coming up, interests, festivals, new baby , wedding and much more we love to find out what your child has been doing at home.

 We also have a closed facebook page were we upload photos and observations on here and any news or information can be found on here for parents. 

Preschool also have a wow board where we record events down and significant achievements too.

We complete half termly summaries for the children for the areas of learning ,and we share these with parents and we ask for comments on this and anything you could tell us about your child learning too.We also have an e-tracker where we track children's progress and see where they are in expected lines of development and how we can support the children if they are below and also if the child is exceeding how we can extend their learning.

We also have parents evening twice a year were staff can go through the child's learning journey and talk about where their child is up to in terms of the ages and stages of development.


The staff are all experienced with the EYFS framework so if parents ever need any more information we would be happy to talk to you about this.

 We also have stay and play sessions for the parents regurlarly.

EYFS Themes

A Unique Child.

 At Little angels Nursery we focus on how children children develop, we recognise they are all different, but should be treated equally. Positive relationships and good communication are vital. children need to learn about risks and safety, how to make good choices and how to stick to boundaries. We make every attempt to provide full opportunity for each child to do their best and we achieve this by ensuring their physical and emotional needs are met during their time at our nursery setting.


Positive relationships

The theme is about children learning to manage their feelings and build relationships. we respect all kinds of families and aim to develop a positive two-way relationship with parents. we will support, listen and work with the children at Little angels nursery to help them learn. we have a nominated key person for each child at Little angels nursery to ensure each child has the opportunity of building a close relationship and is well monitored during their time with us.We ensure that staff are chosen to ensure they have a loving relationship with the children.


Enabling Environments

We plan and check on each child's progress and make every attempt to involve parents and the local community. we ensure that inside and outside spaces of the nursery are safe, interesting and engaging. Our carers support children when they move on, working as a team to help children suceed.We ensure the cleanliness of the nursery is of a high standard at all times and we ensure that the areas within the rooms are working and children are having fun. We ensure the outdoors is a fun learning place for the children where there is risk and challenge for them every day.


Learning and development

Little angels nursery focuses on ensuring young children learn through play and exploration, with support for each individual. we encourage children to develop imagination, to get actively involved in learning and to make decisions. we make every attempt to develop children's creative and critical thinking, balancing the need for both the children and adults to lead the learning.


Cultural capital 


We ensure the children learn life skills here at little angels such as putting their coats on and washing their hands, brushing their teeth.we teach the children about crossing roads and danger, children need these life skills in order to understand life.


Children's songs

Nursery rhymes are a fun and exciting way to enjoy time with your child. Nursery rhymes help your child to :

  • To read and interact - singing and playing nursery rhymes encourages and shows them how enjoyable reading is.
  • nursery rhymes will help your child to develop their listening and memory skills . Research tells us that children who can do this are more confident at reading and writing.


Here are some songs and Rhymes you can do at home with your child -

Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock... Tick Tock... Tick Tock!


Round and round the garden (draw a circle on childs palm) Like a teddy bear, One step, Two Step (walk your fingers up their arm) Tickley under there (Tickle child under chin).


Five currant buns in a bakers shop, round and fat with a cherry on the top, along came (child's name) with a penny one day, bought a currant bun and took it away.(then count down from 4-0).


Incy Wincy Spider, Climbed up the water spout, Down came the rain and washed poor spider out. Out came the sunshine, and dried up all the rain, So Incy Wincy Spider, Climbed up the spout again! SPLASH!!


Wind the bobbin up, Wind the bobbin up, Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap. Wind it back again, Wind it back again, Pull, Pull, Clap, Clap, Clap. Point to the ceiling, Point to the floor, Point to the window and point to the door. Clap your hands together, 1, 2, 3.... And put your hands upon your knees!


All these songs have actions which im sure your child will teach you!!!! we also have a music teacher and story teller in each week to encourage the children to sing songs and encourage their communication and listening skills. we also have Tracey who is the senco for the nursery and she will support all children who need more help with their speech and we also work with the Bolton local authority for advice and support for these children, .